Party in Paris
Nu finns det en tävling uppe här. Om att få följa med mig (Anna) och Nokia till Paris och festa den 11e december.
Lite kul tycker jag
Inspired by my Muse of the Month Anna Randall? Want to go to a fabulous Colette Party in Paris on Dec 11th? If you are over 18 then just email me a picture of yourself and a short description of who you are to [email protected] before Nov 25th. One lucky girl (+ a friend) will get a free ticket to Paris, fabulous hotel stay and an invite to a fashion packed party! (terms & conditions)
Lite kul tycker jag
Inspired by my Muse of the Month Anna Randall? Want to go to a fabulous Colette Party in Paris on Dec 11th? If you are over 18 then just email me a picture of yourself and a short description of who you are to [email protected] before Nov 25th. One lucky girl (+ a friend) will get a free ticket to Paris, fabulous hotel stay and an invite to a fashion packed party! (terms & conditions)